It's the middle of the Cold War. A stranger gives you a magnetic tape, a note, and a number. They tell you to use your terminal to access a remote mainframe over dial-up and put together the conspiracies found on it.

What secrets can you uncover?

> XCORE Basic Command Manual
Users interact with the XCORE (X's Central Operating, Recording, and Execution) Machine using a Command Line Interface.
This guide provides a list of basic commands available in the XCORE operating system.
Familiarize yourself with these commands to navigate and interact with the system.
Command    | Usage
_help      | Shows advanced commands
list       | Lists files in directory
lost       | Shows current directory
open X     | Opens 'X'
note       | Opens private note
back       | Goes to parent directory
clear      | Clears terminal
shutdown   | Powers off system
For more detailed information and advanced usage, please refer to the XCORE User Guide.
Goodluck Operative!

This is my entry for GitHub's GameOff 2024!


Wildcard Attempted:

In this version, there are 3 files in the secret directory. Good luck finding them! 

This game is Open Source so I'll be looking forward to collaborations and interesting spins!

The link to the GitHub should be somewhere...

DISCLAIMER: I'm not the one promising the $50k lol

PS: You can toggle the CRT effect with the  'CRT'  command


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

unauthorised.exe 82 MB
unauthorised.x86_64 65 MB


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(1 edit) (+1)

sorry to bother you again but is the congratulations password supposed to be mslqvydyjkxgyrq cause it's not working also, in the vigenere cipher file you said that P shifted by (Y=24) is supposed to be L but it should be N and that N shifted by (K=10) is supposed to be P where it should be V


I'm happy to reply your comments. You are very close to the password. 'congratulations'.txt is the hint. It was a curveball, but you are very close! Let me know if you cracked it.

figured it out... I'm dumm

Nah, you're doing a good job, as I said, it was a curveball

(1 edit) (+1)

NOTE: The transposition cipher works by lining up the plaintext in 4 columns, with a minimum of 2 rows. Then you use X to complete the incomplete rows. Then you read it column by column. The Vigenere password is supposed to be:



= vniegree

I misspelt vigenere as vignere while encrypting it, so the password is 



= veirgenX

I'm sorry about this, X should have double-checked his passwords. I will be fixing this ASAP!


is the password to vigenere cipher vgnri? it's not working


You have to read the transposition cipher file. The hint is there

The transposition cipher works by lining up the plaintext in 4 columns, with a minimum of 2 rows. Then you use X to complete the incomplete rows. The Vigenere password is supposed to be:



= vniegree

I misspelt vigenere as vignere while encrypting it, so the password is 



= veirgenX 

I'm sorry about this, X should have double-checked his passwords


What's the password for the transposition cipher? It's not wudqvsrvlwlrq.

(1 edit)

It is!

Ok, maybe it is. But the vigenere password is not vgnrieee.

The transposition cipher works by lining up the plaintext in 4 columns, with a minimum of 2 rows. Then you use X to complete the incomplete rows. The Vigenere password is supposed to be:
= vniegree
I misspelt vigenere as vignere while encrypting it, so the password is 



= veirgenX

I'm sorry about this, X should have double-checked his passwords. Thanks for pointing this out. Please do let me know if there are other issues

Is the congratulations.txt password not mslqvydyjkxgyrq ?


You are very close to the password. 'congratulations'.txt is the hint. It's a curveball!